January sketches going to print!

January sketches going to print!

You guys, I'm kind of ... happy.

(Add overwhelmed, exhausted, nervous, determined, busy, activated, curious, learning, unlearning, teaching [?], sharing, self-preserving, taking-care-of, buzzing, zoned out.)

I got to write about my second lady maker last week (say hi to Paper Puffin), and I'm currently working on a plan to effectively reach out to more of the 40 that I have saved to a growing spreadsheet (of course a ... always a ... forever a spreadsheet).

And another thing I did was send off my January prints. I'm currently eagerly awaiting them. (Will they even be good? Ha, this is a question I have even after spending a month with them, and being somewhat [highly] intentional with the choices I made. It seems like it's a question I'll have to grow accustomed to living with, and eventually ignoring.)

I've posted them in my little shop. I haven't even written descriptions for them (cotton paper! recycled materials!). I haven't even established how this little shop should look. What I *have* even, is decided to go forth regardless. Because those are mutable, and I'd prefer to spend my time honing my determination into something immutable. So much more valuable. Invaluable.

Making decisions and not being too scared of them. Deciding that the decision is a reflection of a personal perspective, within which there is value. Understanding that intention is equal parts forethought, and the ability to respond thoughtfully to…

Making decisions and not being too scared of them. Deciding that the decision is a reflection of a personal perspective, within which there is value. Understanding that intention is equal parts forethought, and the ability to respond thoughtfully to happenstance. That pink A. Where did it come from: As soon as it was in front of me, I said "yes."



Woman Two: Artist Kayla Carlson

Woman Two: Artist Kayla Carlson